Bracken Knoll property lies in the Bishop’s sub area of the Highgate Conservation area initially developed in the late 1920s on land part of densely Bishop’s Wood. A private cul-de-sac of twenty-two large detached mansion houses with generous front and rear gardens.
Demolition of a garage and replacing it with a single storey one bedroom house, adding a front garden and a basement below.
Renovation of a type 2 listed building (Sekforde Public House) and constructing a new 3 storey house with 2 levels of basement behind it and linking the new and old building with a glazed structure.
Constructing a new build, two storey, one bedroom house with a basement on a plot of land in Chiswick, London W4.
Constructing two storey residential dwellings on top of an existing two storey commercial building.